Golf Scholarships

Fueling your ambition

Golf at College in the US

The US have for many years been the leading nation in golf and several pro golfers have started their career in the college system. Combining golf with an education opens the door to an unique possibility of developing athletically, academically and personally.
Taking into account your sporting and academic level, we work every day to reduce the costs associated with such a stay. We do this through Athletic Scholarships and luckily there are a lot to be found within college golf.

A way to a professional career

Athletes from all over the world who is preparing themselves for a professional career have benefited from scholarships in the American college sport system. Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Jordan Spieth er only three of the big names that have followed this route in preparation of participating in the PGA-Tour. In total about 60% of all PGA-Tour golfers have been in the college system.

A wealth of international student athletes in the US

The amount of international golf players have been on the rise in recent years. Almost 25% of all current male and female NCAA golf players are from outside of the US.

College swimming in the US

What is important to get a scholarship?

To be able to receive a large scholarship you of course need to be a good golf player. Here your handicap means a lot.
College coaches are often looking for players with a strong technical standpoint. However it is important to understand that the amount you can receive varies depending on the university and their current golf program. There are colleges at elite level with high athletic requirements but also colleges at a lower level with more rounded requirements for the second and third tier golf players.
On top of that, some coaches might prioritize precision, consistency, driving ability or something else.

Apart from your golfing abilities, your academic level will also be relevant. Not only for the amount of possibilities you have but also for the amount the final scholarship will be able to cover. Many colleges put a lot of weight on the academic abilities of their athletes and expect them to perform well in classes.

Your handicap

The better your handicap is the more you can expect to receive in scholarship aid.

Your athletic resume

What tournaments have your participated in?
How does your most recent results look?

Continuous development

If you have improved your performance during your youth it will also improve your chances.

Good grades

No matter how good of a golf player you are, your grades from high school will have an influence on the amount of scholarship aid you can expect to receive.

"A scholarship is not just a financial award; its a recognition of your hard work and dedication." "

Kristina Ellis

Swimming Scholarships

Why College Golf in the US

The combination of elite golf and education isn’t found in the same way anywhere outside of the US colleges.

Average number of strokes for boys

The numbers below show the average amount of tries for men across the different sport associations and divisions that facilitate college golf in the US.

To receive a scholarship from a school you would of course need to be one of the best on the team you are joining.

NCAA Division 1
NCAA Division 2

Average number of strokes for girls

The numbers below show the  average amount of tries for women across the different sport associations and divisions that facilitate college golf in the US.

To receive a scholarship from a school you would of course need to be one of the best on the team you are joining. 

NCAA Division 1
NCAA Division 2

Swimming Scholarships

Listen to a former college golf player.

Adrian larsen, who completed his bachelor’s at Mercyhurst University while playing elite golf, takes you on a trip through the college golf world in the US.

Future college golf player?

Do you qualify for a scholarship at a US university? Fill in our Free Evaluation and we will evaluate your chances and get back to you as soon as possible!

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