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NSSA Stories: Søren Ilsøe’s trip to the USA.

Back in 2021, an email arrived in our inbox from a young man who was a little curious about what college sports wereall about…
We replied to the best of our ability and asked a few questions about who he was and what he did.

His name was Søren and he answered that he was 20 years old.
He was studying for an HD, had a job at a well-known consultancy firm, a nice apartment, a cute girlfriend and an important role at OKS in the Danish league.
Søren’sanswer made us smile.
Why was he interested in college in the US?

The love of football

Søren had been playing soccer since he learned to walk.
He had started playing elite football at a young age and had spent much of his youth playing for Esbjerg FB, where he had fought his way up through the years.
There were 13 appearances in the U19 League and playing time in the UEFA Youth League, but the final step towards a professional senior contract in the first team failed to materialize.
Søren had therefore stepped back a bit from football and started focusing on life off the pitch.
Now he was studying and working – and playing football on the side.
It was an upheaval when it had always been the other way around.
Football first. Everything else after that.

Despite a great life here in Denmark, Søren just really loved his sport.
And especially in the world of football, you’re not getting any younger. You have X number of years where your body can really keep up at a high level.

Søren in action for Northeastern University.

That’s why Søren reached out to us.
Football was going to be a bigger part of his life again, but he didn’t want to compromise on education and future opportunities.
College in the US offers exactly this opportunity. A fluid combination of elite sport and higher education.
No compromises and the opportunity for both sporting and academic success; if you’re willing to work for it.
Søren had no doubts. He wanted to be a student athlete in the US.

Danish Student Athlete in Boston.

We started our college process with Søren shortly afterwards.
This process can take anywhere from 3 months to a year and culminates in one or more scholarship offers from colleges and universities in the US.

Søren had great grades, a lot of good video and is generally a pleasant and ambitious young person. Our network of colleges and universities think so too.
As a result, he had a number of great offers, but chose to accept

Northeastern University

which is located in Boston and plays in NCAA Division 1.

A steep development curve.

It didn’t take Søren long to adapt to the new environment in the big city of Boston.
He only needed 3 games and from there he was a regular in the starting lineup in midfield.
In a short time, Søren grew into a high profile status and had a great fall in his first season as a Student Athlete. He was even awarded a spot on the ALL-CAA Rookie Team, which honors the top 11 freshmen in the given college ranks.

Off the field, things are also moving fast.
Before Søren went to Northeastern University, he was already working on the second part of his HD education in Denmark. It could not be transferred and merged with the US bachelor’s degree. Alongside both football and studying in the US, he also finishes his Danish HD in the evening hours.

One of Søren’s goals for the 2021 fall season for the Northeastern Huskies.

Soren had only been with the Northeastern Huskies for six months when his coaching staff was recruited by the University of Connecticut – a prestigious NCAA Division 1 university with a great football program.
It was the same coaching team that had recruited Søren in the first place, so the immediate change didn’t seem optimal.

…Until Coach Chris Gbandi reached out to him and told him that they wanted Søren to come to the University of Connecticut and be a part of the roster they were about to build. UCONN is a true powerhouse in college football, and while the first six months in Boston had been fantastic, the decision wasn’t difficult

New day, new challenge.

Cut to a sunny but cold February day in early 2022 at Joseph J. Morrone Stadium.
UCONN narrowly loses 0-1 to Georgetown University in a game attended by 2500 people.
It’s Søren’s debut match. He starts inside and plays all 90 minutes.
He does the same for the next 15 games. He even plays the most minutes of anyone in the squad (1315 minutes) during the season and is from day 1 a player who makes a difference.

- Hi, this is New York Red Bulls.

After first proving himself at Northeastern University in NCAA Division 1 and even making the step up to UCONN as a player in NCAA Division 1’s conference, the Big East, one of the strongest conferences in the United States, Søren was a familiar name in college soccer.

This led to a weekend trip to New York, where Søren was invited to a tryout with the New York Red Bulls, who play in the MLS.

Contracts in AB.

As with several other Danish clubs in recent times, Akademisk Boldklub was acquired by an American investor group called Five Castles Football Group LCC at the end of 2022. With their American background, the owners already had their eye on Søren due to his achievements at college level in the US.

In January 2023, Søren could therefore sign his first professional contract with AB, which plays in the 2nd division and has its home ground at Gladsaxe Stadium.
At the time of writing, Søren has made a great return to Danish football and played in his debut match against Esbjerg IF – his former childhood club.

In a year and a half, Søren went from the Danish league to professional soccer in the 2nd division.
He completed an HD while reaching 6 semesters that he was able to bring to Denmark, where he is now studying Business Administration at Copenhagen Business School.

Hard work. Nothing else.

NSSA Stories: Søren Ilsøe’s trip to the USA. Read More »

NSSA X FANT: Omar goes from Sierra Leone to the US on a Sport Scholarship

From Kroo Bay to Lakeland, Ohio.

Omar Inga is 21 years old, lives in Murray Town, Sierra Leone and is the captain of his soccer team.
Omar is very good, but he is first and foremost a captain because he is both well-liked and respected.
He’s not the type to throw his arms around. Yet he’s often the center of attention due to his calm and social nature.

In collaboration with FANT, every year we help 1 young soccer player from Sierra Leone get a scholarship to a college in the US.
Here they get the opportunity to participate in a sports program while receiving an internationally recognized education.

This year, Omar has been given this opportunity.
A few days ago, his plane took off from Lungi Airport in Sierra Leone and after stops in both Brussels and Washington, Omar arrived at Cleveland Airport where a car was able to take him the last leg of the journey to Lakeland Community College.

Omar shortly after his arrival at Cleveland Airport.

Student Athlete in the US.

Omar has been awarded a Sport Scholarship at Lakeland Community College in Ohio.
Here he will study and play football for a minimum of 2 years.
We hope and believe he can go on to a 4-year university after that, but it ultimately depends on Omar’s performance on the field and in the classroom.

Omar is an athletic defender with a great touch on the ball. He is ambitious in his duels, gives 110% and is a natural leader.
Omar has already seen the city, met his roommates, had his first training session with the team and we are obviously very excited to follow him.

The scholarship does not cover all costs, but the remaining costs are covered by generous donations and by FANT itself. We’ve handled the process for the scholarship itself and of course, we do this completely free of charge.

Omar's player photo for Murray and Troelsgaard Boys FC

Football as a bridge to the future.

The idea behind the collaboration is to highlight the potential of football as a pathway to better educational opportunities and prospects – and prove that this potential extends from residential streets in North Zealand to slums in Sierra Leone.

FANT works to create better living conditions for children and young people in developing countries, using sport as a starting point. They are founded on the idea of doing something for the community.
We thrive on highlighting individual performance.
The goal was – and still is – to inspire the community by highlighting and rewarding individual achievement.

Rings in the water...

When we last year sent Fatmata off to the US, FANT saw how many of their players began to prioritize their schooling.

They could suddenly see how soccer and school could go hand in hand and create opportunities. How football could provide access to education they would never have been able to afford otherwise.
Sending Fatmata to the US created a ripple effect in the local community.
Rings that changed the mentality of the many young local players in Kroo Bay and provided both motivation and inspiration.

In this way, we believe that the project is also beneficial to the community and not just the selected individuals who get the chance.
Omar is the next chosen one.
His upcoming journey is now a living example of how engagement on the field and in the classroom can be used to create opportunities for himself.

Kroo Bay area in Sierra Leone
Photo: Christian Als ( @christianals )

NSSA X FANT: Omar goes from Sierra Leone to the US on a Sport Scholarship Read More »

Behind the Scenes: The Role of the College Agent in Facilitating Sport Scholarships

In recent years, the landscape of college recruitment and scholarships has undergone a significant transformation. What started as a niche service has now become a crucial support system for prospective and current student athletes.

College agent development: From niche service to essential support

In the past, student athletes and their families were left to navigate the complex and competitive world on their own. Limited resources, lack of connections and knowledge of the process often led to missed opportunities and frustration. NSSA was born in 2017 in the wake of this frustration. 

There were also a lot of college agencies before this – come on. However, as college sports as a whole have become more professionalized  as well as specific sports have seen great growth in the United States (football being the example), not only have new organizations like us emerged, but existing organizations have been forced to change. 

The first college agencies emerged because they recognized the need for expert guidance and support in the pursuit of a scholarship.
A trusted partner equipped with the knowledge, experience and network to help student athletes navigate the complex landscape.
This is still the case today.
Over time, however, the industry has evolved to meet the changing needs of not only the many student athletes, but also the colleges, universities and high schools that are crucial to having something to offer a client. They are the ones who bring the money.
The assessment of each client’s sporting level is more important than ever. Assessments, personalized college matching and college strategy. Negotiating with ourselves is one of the things we spend the most time on.
Technological advancements have accelerated the ability of college agencies to evaluate and promote clients, but have also increased the demands of colleges.
Video, data and statistics are increasingly in demand.

More international student athletes

In general, thethe percentage of international student athletes in the US is steadily increasing, as a result of colleges now being better able to assess an individual’s level regardless of geographical location or personal connections. Recruitment is active all over the world.

This increase is set to continue and college agencies will have a big part to play in facilitating this development.

Today, the industry is in a place where you, as an aspiring and potential student athlete, will find it very difficult to get a good scholarship offer if you haven’t partnered with an agency that can facilitate the dialog and promote your profile to the right colleges and universities. That’s where the evolution has come from and that’s why we have our raison d’être.

What does a college agent actually do?

While the dream of becoming a successful student athlete is appealing, the process can seem overwhelming. This is where a college agent enters the picture.
But what does the role of a college agent actually entail?
Here, we dive into the key elements that make up the support a college agent offers – from personal consultations to athletic evaluations – and how they help shape your path to a future as a student athlete in the US.

Personal consultations

We offer 1:1 conversations with interested young people and have a dialog about dreams, hopes and goals. Understanding the motivation behind the stay and the person behind the athlete is paramount to creating a great college experience

Academic evaluations

Early in the process, we assess the client’s academic abilities and opportunities. There are varying academic requirements for playing collegiate sports in different federations; the academic evaluation therefore forms the basis for the type of university to which you can be admitted.
There are 3 different associations. You can read more about them here.

Athletic evaluations

We carefully evaluate the client’s athletic level and potential. This involves a thorough analysis of matches and events, both by being present in person and through video recordings. We also delve into sports history and statistics to get a holistic picture of the client’s performance.

As an example, we hold a 100-meter swim time against NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA standards. We do the same with a runner. Or a thrower.

Whether it’s in soccer, swimming or Track & Field, the level of athleticism is crucial to the opportunities that can arise in the US. This can affect which universities show interest, as well as what financial and academic offers can be made available.

It’s important to understand that the athletic aspect plays a key role in the college system. The system is designed to promote and reward sporting ability and performance, which can open doors to sporting challenges, financial support and academic opportunities.

College matching

A big part of our job is knowing the landscape and maintaining in-depth knowledge of the athletic situation at the many colleges and universities in the NCAA, NJCAA and NAIA. What kind of football do they play? What ambitions do they have for their swim team? How have their athletics teams done historically?
How is the academic offering?
These are just some of the questions we need to answer to be able to match our clients with the right colleges and universities.


This point primarily refers to sports such as football, tennis or basketball where the eye test is crucial for college coaches’ ability to assess the athletic level of the client in question. We therefore help clients collect video (we lend VEO cameras to clients) and set up highlight videos that showcase their skills in the best possible way.


Once all preliminary work is completed, we have a finalized college profile of our client.
We promote this profile to selected colleges and universities in our network.
In some cases, we start broad and in others, we know exactly which ones might be a match for our client.
We actively market the client, have a dialog with the college coaches about themselves and facilitate the contact between them and our client.

Scholarship negotiations

One of the most important areas of work for a college agent is negotiating the size and length of scholarships. A scholarship varies in size and can cover anything between 10,000 kr. annually to 500,000 annually.
In other words, these are large sums of money that colleges are willing to award to the right student athlete.
Therefore, they also need to be confident in their decision. They have X amount of money to spend in an annual budget to be distributed across a squad. They save where they can.
Our job is to provide the best financial package within the academic and sporting framework that we have set out with the client and their backers.

NCAA Compliance

We guide our clients through the important eligibility process; a process that ensures that you maintain all the requirements to participate in collegiate sports as an international student in the US.
This includes the verification of relevant school documents as well as proof of amateur sporting status.

Support throughout the college journey

Providing support and being someone you can call for advice has always been a big priority for us here at NSSA. We’ve been there and know what considerations you go through as a student athlete. These considerations often require someone who knows the system inside out.
A large part of our daily life is therefore spent in dialog with current clients who are in the US.
The goal has always been to collect relationships; not clients.

Networking, college transfers and the professional dream

In addition to providing support throughout the journey, we also facilitate some of the opportunities that come with being a student athlete in the US.
2 times a year we help our existing clients with internal college transfers. Especially when you’re a student athlete, it’s normal to switch between colleges during your 4-year college career. This could be because you have delivered sporting achievements that justify a higher level.
In addition, various tournaments are held throughout the summer where student athletes and other skilled players periodically join a team and showcase themselves to MLS and USL Championship teams.
Whether in Europe or in the US, we also wholeheartedly support our clients’ professional dreams and try to leverage our networks in Denmark and the US to their advantage.
Last year, our client Peter Swinkels signed a professional contract with One Knoxville SC from USL 1.
During the same period, Søren Ilsøe got a trial with the New York Red Bulls from MLS and is now a regular for AB in the 2nd Division after great stays at Northeastern University and the University of Connecticut.
We strongly believe that there will be many more of these stories to come.

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High School in the US: The alternative to a sports boarding school

If you want to combine your passion for sport with an international education, high school in the US can be the perfect alternative to a traditional sports high school. We are seeing increasing interest from young athletes and their parents who are looking for the opportunity to spend a year at a high school after primary or middle school.

In this short article, we’ll write about what high school is, why it can be a rewarding experience, and we’ll present five key reasons to choose high school in the US. In addition, we’ll also dive into how to live in high school and find the ideal home away from home. Read on to discover the opportunities for sporting and academic development at high school in the US.

What is High School in the US?

High school in the US is the American education system’s equivalent of upper secondary school in Denmark, but there are some key differences.
First, high school in the US typically lasts four years, while in Denmark, upper secondary school lasts three years. In addition, high school is more focused on developing students’ personal and social skills through various clubs and sports activities, which are an important part of American culture and the school year itself.
In addition, high school students can choose specific subjects from a wide range of options and in many ways design their own timetable. In Denmark, this is more at line level, where you choose a general direction such as biology or mathematics.

Why go to High School in the US?

There are many different reasons why High School in the US might be a good idea for you. 
Whether it’s sporting dreams, academic ambitions or the desire for a different experience after school, a stay at the American version of a high school may give you what you need. 

The opportunity to practice sport at a high level

For young people who are passionate about sport, high school in the US can be an exciting option. In the US, sport is a big part of school culture and many high schools have strong athletics programs where talented athletes can develop their skills and compete at a high level.
American high schools offer a high level of training and competition in sports such as basketball, soccer, swimming, athletics, tennis, golf, volleyball and many more.

A different culture

High school can also be a great opportunity to experience a new culture and learn about a different way of living and thinking. The United States is a large and diverse country with many different regions and communities, and a high school experience can be an eye-opener for young people looking to broaden their horizons.

An everyday life reminiscent of an after-school stay

One of the reasons to go to High School in the US is the unique everyday life, similar to a boarding school experience. Students live on campus with other students and have plenty of opportunities to participate in clubs and sports activities that are an integral part of the school year. In addition, many high schools also offer a wide range of subjects and courses that allow students to explore their interests and learn more about their future career options. It is a great opportunity for students who want an education that also focuses on personal and social development, while giving them the chance to get to know a new culture and meet new people.

Improve your language skills

High school in the US can also be a good opportunity to improve your language skills. Many high schools offer language courses, but simply living “in another language” is enough to quickly learn to speak English in a more natural and fluent way.

A stepping stone to sporting and academic opportunities

Finally, a high school in the US can also be a good preparation for the future. American high schools typically offer a wide range of subjects and activities to help young people identify their interests and strengths and take the first steps towards their career or educational goals.

In addition, playing sports in high school can be a stepping stone to further career opportunities. Many US schools have close links with colleges and universities, which can open doors for scholarships and sports scholarships in the US. This gives young people a unique chance to pursue their sporting dreams and access higher education at the same time.

A collection of images from Ole Jessen’s year in the US at Putnam Science Academy, an American high school.

How do you live in High School in the US?

When attending high school in the US, there are typically two main options for accommodation: living on campus with other students or living with a host family.

Living on campus (boarding school style)

Living on campus can be an exciting opportunity to experience life at an American school up close. Many high schools have dormitories or dormitories where students can live with other students of the same age group and from different parts of the country or even the world. This can give students the opportunity to get to know other cultures and build friendships with students from elsewhere in the US or abroad.

On campus, students typically live close to their classmates and can easily participate in school and extracurricular activities as they are often within walking distance. Schools usually also provide meals in dining rooms or canteens so that students don’t have to worry about cooking for themselves.

Stay with a host family

Another option is to stay with a host family. This can give students the opportunity to experience the daily life and culture of an American family first-hand. Host families can also help students adapt to life in the US and improve their language skills. Many students choose to stay with a host family if their high school does not have dormitories or if they want a more homely atmosphere.

Whether you choose to live on campus or with a host family, it is important to carefully examine the different options and find the best solution for your individual needs and wishes.

If you would like to explore the possibility of attending High School, or know someone who has, you can sign up and read more right here.Then we will have a dialog about the possibilities in the US, either by phone or at our office in Copenhagen.

High School in the US: The alternative to a sports boarding school Read More »

Boost your quota 2 application at College in the US

When you graduate from secondary school, you start a whole new chapter in your life. A wealth of possibilities and considerations. The whole world is open. What does the future hold? Are you taking a gap year? Do you want to study a higher education course right away or do you want to wait a year? Do you even need to continue your studies? Maybe you have your heart set on a program that requires a quota 2 application? We know all about these considerations. We went through it ourselves and now have daily dialogs with our wonderful clients who are themselves in this tangle of considerations and decisions.

In this short article, we put on our academic glasses and try to make you a little more aware of what a study abroad program in the US can offer you.

Strengthen your quota 2 application for college in the US.

You may already know that your dream degree requires a quota 2 application. You may have tried to apply and not been admitted, for example because of your grade point average. -You have probably already familiarized yourself with the possibility of applying via quota 2 again next year. When applying via quota 2, other criteria besides your average are taken into account. Many degree programs emphasize a study abroad experience. You may want to check
what is taken into account when applying to CBS

A stay abroad can be done in many ways. We are seeing an increasing tendency for young people to use their gap year to optimize their quota 2 application by studying a semester at a college in the US. Our clients are typically athletes and they therefore combine their semester/sabbatical by practicing their sport at the given College – as a fully integrated part of their everyday life as Student Athletes.

You can put together a pretty cool study program at College in the United States and in this way choose subjects that are relevant to the education you may want to apply for via quota 2. After a semester (which typically lasts about 4 months) you get a transcript or a certificate that documents the subjects you have completed – and which can be used in your applications and for your CV. In general, the chances of being admitted are very good. The USA is the country with the highest number of international students and they are very proactive in their approach. to increase this number.

NOTE: The opportunities for admission – as well as the costs associated with admission – are even better if you show an athletic level that can contribute to your sports department. It is here
port Scholarships become highly relevant.

Our client, Esben Wolf, took 1 year at Providence College and was then admitted to a Bachelor in International Business at CBS via quota 2.

Gain work experience through College in the US.

Work experience is also one of the elements taken into account for quota 2 applications!

However, it can be quite difficult to get exciting and relevant work experience when you only have a secondary education. It is not easy to be hired for something you are not trained or qualified for. This is where internships come in!
When you study a higher education program in Denmark or Scandinavia, it is normal to have a student job on the side and some programs include a compulsory internship. In College in the US – especially if you are a student athlete – it is a decidedly full-time study and very few students have a job on the side. On the other hand, they have a really long summer vacation (+3 months) and it is during this period that many students take internships and gain relevant work experience.

The different universities are also doing a lot to strengthen internship opportunities for their students, and throughout the spring semester you will experience internship fairs and workshops that can prepare you even better for it. Unlike in Denmark, many of these internships are also
making it an easier decision.

Our client, Alvin Mazaheri (right) did 1 year at MacEwan University and was then admitted to a Bachelor in Business Administration at CBS via quota 2.

Why not just do the whole program in college in the US?

In the US, different entry requirements apply and in many cases there will be more places and more ‘relaxed’ entry requirements. It is a real priority for the US to maintain their position as the most used destination for international students. This benefits us, you and all our clients. It may therefore be an obvious option to simply study the entire bachelor’s degree in the US instead of worrying about the quota 2 application. The really cool thing about this is that you don’t have to make that decision before you go there. Many of our clients go to college in the US with the intention of staying for a semester or a year – but end up doing their entire undergraduate degree over there. A bachelor’s degree in the US typically takes 4 years! Many colleges have a start date several times a year, so you’re not limited to perhaps waiting a year before starting the process.

This sounds really good! And it’s true – an education in the US is a huge investment in your future and in yourself. But it also costs money to get an education in the US. It does in Denmark and Scandinavia too, we are just very privileged with our welfare system. Fortunately, there are good financing options! In addition to the possibility of SU, the scholarships (scholarships) awarded by universities themselves, a golden opportunity to make the education and experience affordable – or even free. A distinction is made between
scholarships and here in our little shop, it’s the athletic scholarships that we spend all our time on.

Please contact us if you are curious about the athletic, academic and financial aspects of attending college in the US. There are opportunities for all priorities, levels and ambitions!

Boost your quota 2 application at College in the US Read More »

The 5 major differences between high school and college in the US

The transition from high school to college is a big change for any young person. For most people, it’s the first time they move far away from home and learn to live on their own. It is entirely up to you to attend classes, prepare for exams, eat properly and do the laundry. Boring yes, but stimulating! For student-athletes, this leap can feel even bigger.
To help you get clear on what to expect if you’re going to be a student athlete at a college in the US, here are 5 major differences between high school and college life.

1. Being a college athlete feels like more than just a full-time job

During the season itself, Division 1 and 2 athletes will dedicate an average of 50-60 hours per week to sport and study. Between early gym sessions, school lessons, training, study time and matches, the weekly calendar of a student-athlete will be packed! While it’s always rewarding to be outgoing and get to know the many other students, only your teammates and other student-athletes will understand what it’s like to balance your college sport with the responsibilities that come with being a full-time student. It requires passion, opt-outs and time management. That’s just the way it is.

2. Your college team feels like your family!

Going to college or playing sports is a great way to make new friends. Collegesport takes friendship and team spirit to a new level. Student-athletes spend just about every walking and sleeping second with their teammates. You live together, eat together, go to classes together, study together and exercise together. In many cases, you can even vacation with your teammates and go on Spring Break trips together. (That’s great!) Your college teammates are so much more than your friends. They are your support system, they feel like family and they are the ones who make your college a
far away from home.

stort nssa derby, evansville mod louisville
5 of our wonderful clients - here after one of the season matches where they played against each other on their respective college teams.

3. College training sessions can be as intense as the matches themselves.

The leap from high school and club sports to collegiate sport in the US can be a big one! Instead of competing and playing against peers, you compete against and with 21-22 year old pure athletes. Players and athletes are bigger, faster and stronger than we are used to. There is an extreme focus on the physical aspect of being an athlete, so there is a lot of weight lifting no matter what sport you do.

Some athletes react to the atmosphere with nerves, while others grow with the challenge and increase their intensity. It’s all about how you react to the changes you will face. Maybe you’ve been used to the fact that not all workouts have to be intense. That mistakes are part of the game. That concentration is not always at its best. Of course, this is also the case in the US. But you don’t have much to give in this regard. Athletes in the US fight tooth and nail for the chance to get a scholarship or improve their current one. Many American players and athletes wouldn’t necessarily be able to afford college if it weren’t for their sport. All of them are there because they have invested tons of time and energy in their sport. No one is going to give you their starting spot as an incoming freshman. You have to fight for it – and in the end, that’s pretty cool!

A short tour of the University of Tennessee facilities.

4. away trips can take several hours.

Whether you’re used to U19 league, divisional or league football, travel time to matches in Denmark and Scandinavia is at most 4-5 hours and most often the opposing teams are less than 1 hour away. In College, your opponents will often be located in other states and travel times can be 6+ hours and more. Usually you travel together in the team bus and fortunately it’s great fun and often becomes a bit of an event in itself. The away trips mean missed classes and weekends away from campus. You can use the time here to do your homework etc. but you are free to do so.

5. College athletes get tons of free gear and equipment!

How do you see who are the student-athletes when walking around the campus? You can be pretty sure they’ll be wearing team shirts, track pants and sneakers for most classes. College teams are sponsored by everything from Nike to Adidas and Under Armour which means you get what you need from shoes, shirts, shorts and more.

In general, the upheaval is big, but just as your life will change, you will evolve too. No matter how you’re doing athletically – or academically, for that matter. We believe in this and that is why we facilitate the opportunity for College in the US. Because it’s a development environment spiced with experiences and memories that you can’t get anywhere else.

Feel free to contact us if you are thinking about a stay in College – or if you just have questions or want to have a chat about scholarships, sports and the US.

The 5 major differences between high school and college in the US Read More »

NSSA X FANT: Fatmata goes from Sierra Leone to the USA on a Sport Scholarship

At a time when politics is taking center stage during the World Cup in Qatar, we would like to highlight a story in NSSA that is a great example of how soccer can be used to improve future opportunities and happiness. Here’s a little story about our adventure to Sierra Leone last year.

Kroo Bay; Poverty and a love for soccer

Here, where the African dirt road bends into a bay, towards the busy center of Freetown, a drain runs. Where pigs swim around in knee-high pools of sewage, while women wash clothes a few meters away. In the area around the drain, 17,000 people are crammed into small houses built on top of piles of rubbish.
The slum area is called Kroo Bay; notorious for being burdened by extreme poverty and high crime rates.

In the middle of the jumble, you’ll find a large gravel field where all the neighborhood boys and girls gather around soccer. Here you see Fatmata, or Didisatu Turay as she is also known, in her usual surroundings with a ball tightly glued to her foot and a big smile on her face.

Soccer as a ticket to getting an education.

In September 2021, NSSA and FANT – For a new tomorrow came together in Sierra Leone for a meaningful purpose. A mission to help a young person from Sierra Leone to a brighter future by providing an education in the US with soccer as a driving force.

For 10 days, we traveled around Sierra Leone and got to know a lot of young players. We held training sessions in 8 different ‘clubs’, held workshops for both local coaches and players, and were eventually able to select some of the young people who, both academically and athletically, would qualify as potential Student Athletes at a University in the US.

The whole idea was that we could show the young people of Freetown how sport can be a catalyst for valuable education and a brighter future. To understand the importance of education and become aware that access can be achieved through hard work on the field.
If we could help just one young person go, it would move mountains for the other local people’s belief in this opportunity and this path.

A new life in the USA.

And mission accomplished!
With pride, we are proud to announce that Fatmata has achieved a four-year long education in the US without having to pay a penny. Food, housing, books and education costs are paid for through the scholarship she has received.

She will be found running around the fine turf fields of Charleston, South Carolina, dressed in bright blue from head to toe. Here she represents The Citadel University in the top women’s college ranks.

Didi has an exciting year ahead and is in good hands at The Citadel. She has been welcomed by the university, her coach and fellow students. Didi has already experienced Washington DC, been to the beach in Florida and many other exciting experiences on away trips.
We are so thrilled that we succeeded and that this opportunity was created.
Thanks to

FANT – Football For A New Tomorrow

for a great collaboration – we look forward to repeating the success in the future.

NSSA X FANT: Fatmata goes from Sierra Leone to the USA on a Sport Scholarship Read More »

Preseason in College

Preseason is a great way to start your college career in the US. At least as long as you are prepared for what lies ahead, both physically and mentally. After the summer vacation, the preseason starts in full power at the beginning of August andthere’s no need to sugarcoat it; Preseason is HARD and it’s physically demanding on many levels. On the other hand, it is also super cool and stimulating. We take you through it all below.

Briefly about the preseason

Preseason usually begins in early August and continues for 3-4 weeks – depending on when school starts at your college.
You often arrive for preseason 2-3 days before the actual training starts. This gives you the opportunity to settle into the school, get to know your new classmates and generally experience the area where the school is located. The first few days of preseason are filled with practical meetings with the coaching staff, hearing about the coaches’ expectations for the season and how the team will achieve the goals that have been set. In addition, you can expect some social events where you can bond as a team and get to know your new teammates better. The great thing about the team culture at College is that the older members of the team see it as a big part of their role to make sure that the new players on the team settle in as quickly as possible and generally feel welcome. They have been in the same situation as the younger ones.

Hype video from the start of the football team’s preseason at Fairfield University in Connecticut.

The first days of the preseason

Once the first few days of familiarization are over, the training begins for real!
You are given all your equipment and this is where you really feel like a college athlete for the first time.
The first days of training often start with tests where you are measured on different physical parameters; it could be your acceleration, your agility or your strength level.
The coaches use the results to assess your current condition and adjust the amount of training during Preseason accordingly

Jog & Stretch
6:50 - 7:10

Each morning starts with a short jog of about one kilometer, followed by a joint stretching session to get the worst of the lactic acid out of your legs. Most of the time you will be wearing full training gear with the school logo all day

Shared breakfast
7:20 - 7:50

The whole team has breakfast together, which is required. During the pre-season, it is incredibly important that you get enough nutrition – there is a big focus on this. During this period, you train so much that you can hardly eat too much. As it is often significantly warmer in the US than what you are used to in Scandinavia – while at the same time exercising a lot, hydration is of course also crucial.

Changing and preparing for training sessions
8:00 - 8:55

After breakfast, you often have an hour to get ready for your workout. Sometimes you need to be weighed first, to make sure there is not a big fluctuation in your weight. Afterwards, you have a quick conversation with the team’s physiotherapist about how your body has adapted to the intense amount of training and if there is anything you need to look at together. After that, it’s very normal to spend some time stretching, doing stability exercises, or maybe getting a massage.

First training session
9:00 - 11:00

The first training session is of course different from school to school in relation to which focus areas the trainers want to hit. One thing you can certainly expect is that the training is well organized. There is a focused intensity which naturally increases the competition. Something you always get in environments where there is a professional set-up. As freshmen, you’ll use these sessions to showcase yourself as a player. There’s no need to be nervous if you don’t feel like you’re playing at your best right from the start. The coaches are well aware that it often takes some time to settle in and get used to the new culture and style of play.

11:05 - 11:50

After training, it is often mandatory for the whole team to unwind, stretch, and at least take an ice bath. When you’re done with this, there’s often a protein bar and some sort of Gatorade waiting for you, so you can get something in your stomach straight after your workout. If you have a muscle injury or something else that bothers you, you do the exercises given to you by the team’s physiotherapist.

12:00 - 12:45

Right after you’ve showered and changed into a new set of workout clothes, lunch is ready. You’ve probably built up a good appetite from training and since you burn so many calories in preseason, you can hardly eat too much.

13:00 - 14:20

This free space is used to relax, many people use the time to either take a nap or watch some Netflix series. Often there are also people in the team who sit around drinking coffee and playing cards. This time is your own time and should be used for whatever you want to do to get ready for the next training session.

Former pro club player and NSSA client, Alexander Hjælmhof in action for San Diego State University!
Changing and preparing for training sessions
14:30 - 15:25

After a nap or whatever you came up with, you have to get ready for the second training session. Just like before the first training session, you will go through the same procedure with your physiotherapist, where you will be checked for any injuries or strains.

Second training session
15:30 - 17:00

Training sessions. As mentioned, the type of training you have to go through at each school is very different. However, you can expect the second session to be followed by thorough stretching and ice baths. There is a real focus in the preseason to take care of the body between training sessions. Since your body is being pushed to the limit, this means going through countless stretches, ice baths, and hours of lying with your legs against the wall to increase blood circulation.

17:00 - 17:30

Just like after the first training session, it’s very normal for all players to have some exercises to go through. Even if you don’t feel injured, there are exercises you can always do to prevent any strains or overuse injuries that the team is very aware of.

17:35 - 18:30

Dinner. Eat, eat, eat. You burn so many calories due to the amount of exercise, but also due to the high humidity and heat that you can hardly eat or drink enough. Something that the coaches definitely remind you of at every meal. You can probably be prepared for the fact that as a first-year student you will have to go through a little ritual at dinner. It can be either a dance or a quick song.

Evening hygge (bedtime calls)
19:00 - 23:00

Fun with the team Here, the older members of the team will make sure you all have a good time. There are probably some who play PlayStation, some who just want to relax with a Netflix series, some who enjoy card games. Often, everyone in the team is so tired after a day of training that there’s not much else to do than a bit of fun and the best sleep you could imagine.

Preseason at Quinnipiac University where both Ramesh Delsouz and Alexander Stjernegaard play and study.

The goal of the preseason in the US.

This daily schedule is repeated most days. Of course, the coaches keep an eye on the group and if there is a need for a recovery session in between, it will be scheduled.
In addition, the older members of the team make sure that you do things together in the evening such as going out to eat, BBQ, bowling, going to the movies and many other social things that do not require too much effort.

The regular students only move in once the preseason for all athletes is over. Therefore, you also have time to settle in before the school is full of people.
Of course, the goal of the preseason is not to completely destroy you, but rather for you to get to know each other as people and players while getting in shape. Preseason is a great way to start your college experience because by the time you’re done with preseason, you’re already part of the team community.
You know where everything is in the school and you quickly get used to the American culture.
After this, the academic semester starts, which is where the full college experience begins. The perfect combination of sports and studies.

You can read about the everyday life in College for a Student Athlete right here.Or maybe a little about how college soccer works?
Feel free to contact us if you are thinking about a stay in College – or if you just have questions or want to have a chat about scholarships, sports and the US.

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5 tips to maximize your Scholarship opportunities

A Scholarship is an exciting opportunity for many young athletes. Combining higher education with elite sport is not an option in many places; in college in the USA it is part of the culture. However, the biggest obstacle is often not knowing where and how to start if you want to go. It can be difficult to know who – if anyone – to work with to get the help you need. What is required of you and how soon should you be out exploring your options?

Here are 5 simple tips on how to maximize your chances of getting the best Scholarship offer in the USA

1. Those who start early often have the most opportunities

Start the preparatory work, your research and ideally the whole process as early as it makes sense for you. First and foremost, it’s important to think it through, but then it’s just as important to go for it – don’t put it off for too long.
We recommend starting the

the process

– possibly take the first meeting with an agency like us. anything between 10 and 24 months before you would actually travel to the USA. So if you graduate from high school (or similar) in summer 2022, it would be ideal to start everything from summer 2020 to the end of 2021.
This does not mean that you are too late if you start the process afterwards – not at all. But getting off to a good early start is a big advantage, as college coaches will usually have a larger Scholarship budget available. As a result, you will inevitably be considered by more coaches and colleges than late starters.

Besides, starting early can give you more time to work through the smaller things that need to be taken care of when going to college in the US. It may be
various small tests
, translations of important documents,
and a lot of other things.

2. Seek help and guidance from experts

The whole college recruitment process is quite convoluted and we can’t recommend this part enough. There are often several unexpected and confusing bumps in the road and having the right advice and guidance is crucial.
This should first and foremost help you segment and select colleges that fit your needs and situation – academically and athletically.

Furthermore, it should help you make the right decision and then continue by helping you navigate the various administrative issues involved in being an international student athlete in college in the United States.

Ideally, it is also important to be able to stay in contact with them once you have landed in the US, as there may also be a need for assistance and sparring – both for yourself, but perhaps also your parents.

Our client, Mikkel Gøling getting on top of a header in a match for Young Harris.

3. Find the right agency - for you!

Getting help from experts is essential. Even more essential is to get help from the right experts and an agency that suits you. It is a personal choice, nothing is right or wrong.
Most importantly… Whatever Scholarship Agency you choose, it is focused on creating a personalized and tailor-made process for you.
There are many good agencies, but also some less good ones. Big agencies that have been in the game for many years will often have a larger staff, a bigger network and a wider following, but you can quickly become ‘just another number in the line’ if you’re not careful.

4. Be proactive

The search for a good Scholarship is a competitive game – being proactive can give you a big advantage! Having video of yourself, maybe even finding your own highlights or records, obtaining official school documents or registering yourself for any tests required are things you can basically do very early on. The faster and better these things are done, the faster you can be promoted to colleges, universities and their staff.

For example – as soon as you start having contact with college coaches, it’s never a bad idea to be proactive and seem invested in the contact. Agencies like us will of course also help you navigate this. But there will always be many options for college coaches and if the process for an individual athlete or player becomes too long, they can quickly start looking elsewhere.

5. Trust the process

Keeping the faith that you will eventually receive the right Scholarship offer is very important!
The good agencies will talk you through what you can expect in terms of process and realistic options. It is important that expectations are fully aligned, as trust in the process is critical for a good offer and solution.

REMEMBER:It is YOUR talent and YOUR academic level that will ultimately get you the good offers. The various Scholarship agencies – like us – are ‘just’ organizations that highlight the talent and level, facilitate the contact and maximize your opportunities.
You can read more abouthow a Scholarship worksand what it requireshere on our blog.
If you are now, or have ever thought about going to college, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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Am I good enough for a Scholarship?

One of the questions we get asked most often in the NSSA.
Getting a Scholarship
in the US can be a competitive process. You’re not just competing with people from your own country in your sport, but with athletes from all over the world… So when are you good enough?

The short answer is that in all likelihood you are definitely good enough. A Scholarships requires a certain level of skill, of course, but you don’t have to be the next Christian Eriksen, Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan to be considered among the many colleges in the US.
The level of athleticism among colleges and universities varies across the associations – NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA – who organize College sports in the US. The US is a large country with a huge variety of colleges in the east and west. Since these colleges vary in sporting and academic level, there will most likely be a college that suits you and your profile.

Lynn Stadium - the football team's home field at the University of Maryland where we have Luca Costabile in the team.

What factors influence whether I can get a sports scholarship?

There are many different factors that coaches consider when offering scholarships.

College coaches will not only look at your athletic or sporting level, but also your academic performance, work ethic and character.
When we talk about sports scholarships, your sporting level is a priority and a major focus. Your skills, results and experience on a football pitch will be the most important of the various parameters on which schools assess you. It could be your ticket to a fantastic – and paid – education where elite sport is an integral part of the whole experience.

However, if a college coach is interested in a handful of players who are at the same level, personality, core values and school level will determine who is chosen. Colleges in the US look for the whole package when awarding sports scholarships; the sporting, the academic as well as the personal. Having a high sporting level can therefore carry you a long way towards a Scholarship, but not necessarily all the way in all cases.

Our client, Daniella Diaz in action for Florida Atlantic University

What is the level of college in the US?

NSSA, we have successfully assisted both league players, division players as well as youth national team players to get scholarships in the US. The level of college football fluctuates from year to year and an unimpressive team can quickly become one of the best in the country before you know it.

With the good football education that Scandinavia provides and a level that in the US spans a wide range across the different federations, there are good opportunities for many. However, it can still be confusing to compare your own abilities with the different levels in college.

If you have any doubts about your footballing level in relation to opportunities in the US, here are a few tips you might find useful:

1. Watch matches from College in the US.

Find and watch highlights or full college matches and assess whether your own level can match – or even surpass – what you see. There are many games and teams to choose from, but watching a few different games from the different college leagues (NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA) can give you a good indication

2. Reach out to someone who is or has been a college student athlete in the US.

If you are well versed in your sport, you are sure to find a current or former student-athlete from your own country who has experienced it first-hand. It is said that the entire college system in the US has to be experienced before it is truly understood. If someone with experience can give you a few tips and advice, you are sure to learn a lot more.

3. Reach out to different colleges and universities.

It can be both difficult and confusing, but one way in whichThe best way to learn more about your college options is to proactively reach out to colleges and give them insight into both your athletic and academic performance and what you can bring to the table. It can be difficult to find the right people to get in touch with and responses can be patchy, but the response you receive, positive or negative, can give you an insight into what cards you hold and how good your options are.

4. Reach out to experts who can help you assess your options.

Let’s be honest… It can be a jungle to navigate the sporting level and opportunities of college in the US on your own. With thousands of colleges and many different tournaments, it’s difficult to assess and navigate on your own.
That’s why we – and all other college recruitment agencies – exist. Colleges and their coaches are used to contacting potential international student-athletes through agencies like us.

A good idea is to get in touch with some people who know a lot about it and can advise you. That’s what we have to say. But that’s the way it is.

The athletic facilities at the University of Oregon

Are you considering the College option?

If itis the dream having a professional career, using your athletic level to get into high academic schools or something else, it a trip to the US is without a doubt a great opportunity for you. Over the last 4 years we have helped several players from many clubs and it is likely you will know someone we have helped if you are a danish player.
Get in touch with us below if you’re thinking about college in the US or just need answers to a few questions.

Am I good enough for a Scholarship? Read More »